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Retrospective Review: Shin Megami Tensei: Synchronicity Prologue (PC)

Writer's picture: Matthew McCarthyMatthew McCarthy

Updated: Dec 13, 2022

The "Jack Bros." sequel we've been waiting for, and the "Strange Journey" prequel we also never knew we needed.

Promotional artwork for "Shin Megami Tensei: Synchronicity Prologue." [Credit: ladybug's Twitter]

While "Synchronicity Prologue" is no longer officially available, it can still be downloaded from Please make sure to double-check the files with an antivirus before opening them, you can never be too safe.

"Shin Megami Tensei: Synchronicity Prologue" was developed by Team Ladybug, an indie developer that specializes in 2D games. Before "Synchronicity Prologue," they made bonus games for "Konosuba" and "Fate Stay/Night Heaven's Feel." They would go on to make "Touhou Luna Nights" and "Record of Lodoss War-Deedlit in Wonder Labyrinth-."

I played "Synchronicity Prologue" all the way back in 2017, getting it from the official Atlus website. For this retrospective, I played the game on Hard Mode. When I first played the game, I played it in Normal Mode because I thought I was a normal person. Turns out, I'm ordinary, the more you know.

The Story

The premise is...

Jack Frost speaking not English, ouchie, my Western eyes. [Credit: Jedo94]

Wait... I don't speak Japanese! Despite this, the basic gist seems to be about a Jack Frost in the Schwarzwelt—which you learn more about in "Strange Journey—"wanting to defeat a Black Frost. Think Jack Frost, but evil.

While an English patch exists, an English patch killed my ex-wife in 1843, so... I passed up on downloading it. However, the story isn't important and the game is mostly easy to figure out without words.

Committing Demon Genocide Cutely

In "Shin Megami Tensei: Synchronicity Prologue," the player controls Jack Frost and Pyro Jack in a Metroidvania labyrinth. Jack Frost uses ice attacks, with his charged attack freezing enemies. Pyro Jack uses fire, aiming his attack when charged.

[Credit: Digiflower5]

Pyro Jack can levitate, while Jack Frost can jump. Pyro Jack can melt ice, while Jack Frost can freeze water. Both Jacks can be switched between whenever.

[Credit: Digiflower5]

Fire or ice attacks don't always work, as enemies can be weak to, resist, or null these attacks. Fortunately, Jack Frost blocks ice attacks, and Pyro Jack blocks fire attacks. The player can use wind; electric; and the most natural of them all, gun-typed special attacks, all being based on "Shin Megami Tensei" skills.

Special attacks are found by exploring or destroying breakable walls. Also like in "Shin Megami Tensei," special attacks take up magic points, which regenerate automatically. The player can also find rings to increase health & magic, magic recovery, and more.

Jack Frost and Pyro Jack next to a breakable wall. [Credit: Digiflower5]

Finally, the player levels up by defeating enemies. Enemies also drop money the player can use to buy restoration items, experience, and an item for reviving the player.

Jack Frost and Pyro Jack at Jirae Dwarf's shop. [Credit: Digiflower5]

With the mechanics explained, it's gushing time. The different strengths and weaknesses for the Jacks make both vital for gameplay, neither are neglected nor unbalanced. Challenges require jumps, others require levitation. Some enemies require fire to be killed, others require ice. Some taxes need to be paid; others evaded ille-

Jack Frost not taking damage touching a Haunt Preta. Both Jack Frost and Ghost Petra specialize in ice attacks. [Credit: Digiflower5]

They also shine in specific scenarios. Jack Frost works best against big groups on the ground due to his agility and freezing. Pyro Jack is slower, but excels in accuracy, making him perfect for singular or flying enemies.

Pyro Jack floating above spikes while facing Raptor Onmoraki (left) and Jaki Gremlin. [Credit: Digiflower5]

The tight and responsive controls, along with the mechanics, also make for fantastic bosses. I have no clue why these demons are trying to kill me, I could've killed their pet rocks for all I know, but it's a ton of fun.

Jack Frost and Pyro Jack fighting Fallen Decarabia. [Credit: Digiflower5]

The special attacks and upgrades are rewarding to find, making the player stronger and more versatile. Enemies that give a lot of trouble can be taken care of with specific special attacks for an easier time.

Important to note is that you change special attacks by holding down the C key. This is the only thing that may be hard to figure out without the English patch, as in, I didn't figure it out until after I beat the final boss on my 2017 playthrough.

Yes, I beat the final boss with only ice and fire attacks... A boss resistant to fire attacks and blocks ice attacks... Why is my brain like this? Well, I did have the electric special attack, but I switched to that by accident. Worked for this fight though.

That tantrum aside, exploration is satisfying as there are many bonus items and secrets to find.

Finding the Mazan special ability. [Credit: Digiflower5]

It all blends together beautifully to create fast-paced, addicting gameplay that kept me fully engaged from beginning to end. The only dull moments in "Synchronicity Prologue" are turning the game off.

The Schwarzwelt

"Shin Megami Tensei: Synchronicity Prologue" looks outstanding. Animations are smooth, the pixel art is colourful & detailed, and the decals are unique.

[Credit: Digiflower5]

The enemies are all from "Strange Journey" and they look amazing. They're also fun to face, even if a few are a tad annoying at times.

Jack Frost and Pyro Jack fighting Raptor Onmorakis. [Credit: Digiflower5]

Each level is based on a Sector from "Strange Journey." Level one is the first sector, Sector Antila; level three is the third sector, Sector Carina; and more. I didn't know about this playing it in 2017, but knowing now, it makes me appreciate the visuals a lot more as they show the areas well while being different.

The decals are also used to create fun puzzles. For example, level two has candles that switch the level from a green white aesthetic to a and purple one. This is used to make platforms certain appear or disappear.

[Credit: Digiflower5]

This mechanic doesn't show up in "Strange Journey," but this puzzle incorporates the visuals of the lower and higher floors of the Palace of Pleasure in Sector Bootes. Make of that name as you will without context.

The music is also catchy, fitting each level. From the first level's remix of the boss theme to the catchy but mysterious second level theme, each track is a banger.

Now, the presentation isn't perfect, there are bugs and slowdown in the final level. However, they're nothing game-breaking nor severe.

Overall (S)

"Shin Megami Tensei: Synchronicity Prologue" is a masterpiece, I mean Jack Frost is the protagonist, what is there not to like? Additionally, the presentation is solid, areas are memorable, platforming is fun, controls are outstanding, exploration is satisfying, and it's addicting to play... In the best way! It's a beautiful two-to-three-hour game.

I genuinely want a sequel with more content and expansion on the mechanics. I can imagine Jack the Ripper being playable, who was cut from the game; enemies that reflect attacks; physical, light, & dark attacks; and more.

As a small game meant to promote a remake and the 25th anniversary of the franchise, it does its job extremely well... Granted, it took me four years to get around to "Strange Journey Redux," but this game kept it on my list of games to play eventually.

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