From "Sonic the Hedgehog," to "The Legend of Heroes series," the "Steins;Gate" Games, and even "Warhammer 40,000 Mechanicus."
The publishers include: SEGA, with their "Sonic the Hedgehog" Games alongside the "Yakuza" Series and so on; XSEED, who published "Corpse Party," "The Legend of Heroes" Games, and more; Spike Chunsoft, who developed and published the "Danganronpa," "Zero Escape," franchises and more; and Kasedo who has made "Project Highrise," "Crowntakers," and more.
The publisher sales vary in how long they'll go on for:
XSEED: Sept. 23 to Sept. 26
Spike Chunsoft: Sept. 23 to Sept. 29
SEGA: Sept. 23 to Sept. 30
Kasedo: Sept. 20 to Sept. 24 (less than one hour as of posting this article)