The indie metroidvania and open-world puzzle platformer release date has been revealed and is now available for pre-order.
"Treasures of Aegean" will release on Xbox, PS4, PS5, Steam, and Nintendo Switch digitally Nov. 11. The PS4, PS5, and Nintendo Switch will have physical releases for a Standard and Collector's Edition.
Physical editions will go on sale November 12 for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and PlayStation 5. There will be a physical Collector's Edition available as well, which will include an artbook with a comic, the original soundtrack, and cloth map.
The physical and collector's editions can be pre-ordered on Numskull Game's website for the game.
"Treasures of the Aegean" is a hand-drawn adventure published by Numskull Games and developed by indie developer Undercoder. Players will play as Marie Taylor, uncovering the secrets of the Minoan kingdom that's stuck in a time loop.
"Treasures of the Aegean" consists of platforming using parkour, puzzle-solving, and exploration which will reward players with historical treasures.
Undercoders, the developers behind "Treasures of the Aegean," have developed over 30 titles. Some titles include: "Mail Mole + 'Xpress Deliveries," "Conga Master," and "Slabwell." Undercoders is a development team based in Spain that was founded in 2005.
Undercoders originally developed games for J2ME devices, before making IOS/Android games.