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  • Writer's pictureMatthew McCarthy

Website Update: Changes October 14, 2021

Home Page

+ Changed the amount of posts displayed on the home page from three to four

+ Made The Game Knot logo on the header take readers to the home page when clicked on

+ Removed Home option on header

+ Changed greeting below homepage header to have no pink background; pink text; and links to other pages on The Game Knot website with the purple, underlined text

+ Moved the Archive on the home page, which lists all the months articles have been posted, to its own page which can be found on the header

+ Reformatted visuals on subscription box to remove white background, change focus/hover colour of text areas, made text dark purple, added shadow, text lines changed from black to purple, and thank you message changed to black

Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy

+ Fixed spelling mistake and grammar inconsistency with Terms & Conditions Button in Footer

+ Changed shortcut placements in Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy (from Table of Contents) for more consistent access to specific sections

+ Added shortcuts to sub-sections in Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy, which are indicated in non-bolded text

+ Increased size of text box in Privacy Policy for better formatting

+ Added better clarification in Privacy Policy in the "Children's Privacy" section

About & Contact

+ Bolded Submit message in Contact Form in About & Contact

+ Removed contractions in About Me section

+ Reworded parts in About Me section

+ Changed Contact Form description to be more specific


+ Changed posts layout in the category pages so that there are multiple pages of articles and six listed per page

+ Changed the order of the Archive from newest to oldest, to oldest to newest

+ Changed menu icon, back to top icon, and selection on mobile menu to purple

+ Text space decreased in Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy to not clip out of border

Things to Fix in the Future on mobile version

+ Archive not appearing in Mobile version

+ Section shortcuts not appearing on mobile while sub-section shortcuts do

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