"Final Fantasy," "Final Fantasy II," "Final Fantasy V," and "Final Fantasy VI," have been/will be replaced with their Pixel Remasters.
"Final Fantasy V" and "Final Fantasy VI" on steam and all four games effected are now delisted on the App Store and Google Play Store.
This means these titles cannot be played on Steam/mobile phones unless they were purchased before being delisted.
Later "Final Fantasy" titles, additionally "Final Fantasy III" and "Final Fantasy IV," are still available on mobile/Steam. III and IV due to their Steam and mobile releases being the 3D Remakes.
The Pixel Remasters for "Final Fantasy," "Final Fantasy II," and "Final Fantasy III" released yesterday for Steam and mobile, hence their delisting occurring now.
The Pixel Remasters for "Final Fantasy IV," "Final Fantasy V," and "Final Fantasy VI" will release later this year.
Square Enix stated the delisting of these games on the Square Enix website for the Pixel Remasters. and their store pages for the effected games.