Welcome to 2022 everyone! This post will detail some plans of mine for The Game Knot in 2022.
Video Game Reviews
Unlike my previous post detailing games I'd review in 2021, there won't be a schedule for when I'll post these reviews. Mainly because I don't know what order I'll play most of the following games in, so the list will be in alphabetical order.
BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger
Cuphead (Retrospective)
Donkey Kong Country (GBA) (Retrospective)
Giana Sisters: Twisted Dreams
Half-Life 2 (Retrospective)
Half-Life 2: Episode One (Retrospective)
Half-Life 2: Episode Two (Retrospective)
Lost Dimension (Retrospective)
Mhakna Gramura and Fairy Bell
Portal (Retrospective)
Postal 2
Scribblenauts (DS)
Shin Megami Tensei: Synchronicity Prologue (Retrospective)
Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey Redux
Skullgirls: 2nd Encore
Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith (GBA) (Retrospective)
Tomb Raider: Legend (Retrospective)
Tomb Raider: Underworld
Vengeful Heart
Undertale (Retrospective)
I can't promise I'll get to all of these games this year, but I'll do what I can to cover all of them.
Anime Reviews
This is something I wanted to start trying in 2021, and I did test the waters with the Seven Anime Christmas-Themed Episodes article, but I want to start reviewing anime since I do watch a lot of it.
Although, this will be different from video game reviews, and not just for the obvious reasons. For example, getting anime screenshots can be tricky given seasonal anime (which airs during any of the four seasons) is often restricted after a while. In a sense, I'm on a time limit to get screenshots.
I'll see how things go when I start reviewing anime.
Real Life Plans
I do have real life plans for 2022, such as trying to find a job, so I may stop posting as frequently as I do right now for not only reviews, but also news articles. I'll publish a post if I get a job, but for all I know, I could end up not finding a job this year.
Personal Essays
I do have a Personal Essay I plan on releasing by the end of January, with a few Personal Essay ideas in draft form. When I get around to these ideas, I'll have to see.
That's all for now. News articles and their posting frequency won't be any different as it all depends on the news itself. While I'm admittedly pessimistic with 2022 in a global sense, I'm optimistic it'll be a better year for me personally and I hope everyone else has the same luck, if such luck is to befall onto me.