The indie puzzler "The Giraffe World" by Quentin Delvallet is available on Steam for $6.69CDN, being 1o per cent off its first week. "The Giraffe World" originated as a title on, where indie games are shared.
"The Giraffe World" is about Mimolette the Giraffe who is on a mission to retrieve her hats after the evil Sir Balt Hazard scattered them. Mimolette just so happens to have the special ability to infinitely extend her neck.
"The Giraffe World" consists of 50 levels where the player must retrieve Mimolette's hat(s). Each level is grid-based, having multiple solutions.
"The Giraffe World" was developed by Quentin Delvallet, an indie developer who has been developing games since 2017. Delvallet has primarily made games on, such as "Red Aleph" and "Eburnean."
Quentin Delvallet has also taken part in multiple game jams, an event where games are made in a small amount of time.
"The Giraffe World" is a sequel to "The giraffe that wants to collect every cute tiny hat," "The Giraffe World" features changes such as 2.5 visuals, the removal of the undo feature, more levels, and so on.
"The Giraffe World" originally released on around one year ago and is Delvallet's first game on Steam.